Public Trainings - Florida Basic Driver Improvement Course

This defensive driving course, the foundation of defensive driving, provides the knowledge and skills for defensive driving and describes techniques for avoiding high-risk driving behaviors. Participants will learn that the right attitude can prevent collisions and understand the consequences of poor decision-making.

This online course will help influence drivers to make positive choices to improve driving behaviors and attitudes and encourage respectful and lawful decisions to avoid collisions and decrease traffic violations. It provides them with the knowledge and collision prevention techniques that focus on behavior, judgment, decision making and consequences.

These online Basic Driver Improvement Courses reduce points on driver’s licenses, satisfy court-ordered driver improvement, satisfy DHSMV required TCAC or BDI course, and have the potential to reduce insurance rates. These trainings are separate from our 4, 6, and 8 hour in-person Defensive Driving courses.

  • 4-Hour Basic Driver Improvement: ELECTED – Point Reduction
  • 4-Hour Basic Driver Improvement: COURT ORDER – Driver Improvement (BDI)
  • 4-Hour Basic Driver Improvement: INSURANCE DISCOUNT
  • 4-Hour Basic Driver Improvement: TCAC – Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC)

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The Florida Basic Driver Improvement Course is offered in partnership with the National Safety Council. The Florida Chamber Safety Council is the official Florida state chapter of the National Safety Council.

Types of Trainings: