Public Trainings – Advanced Safety Certificate

Ergonomics: Managing for Results

Course Description – Repetitive motion and overexertion are the biggest risk factors facing American workers today. This course will show you how to reduce the number and severity of musculoskeletal injuries in your workplace with a practical and effective ergonomics program. This one-day course, will help you take control of the #1 cause of workplace […]

Incident Investigation: Root Cause Analysis

Course Description This one-day course focuses on techniques for gathering complete, accurate and objective incident data, establishing root causes, reporting findings and determining corrective action. Discussion, demonstrations and exercises cover investigation and interview techniques. Participants learn how to uncover the who, what, why, when and how of each incident, and how to analyze data to […]

Job Safety Analysis

Course Description – Workplace hazards are a major threat to many of today’s organizations. Job Safety Analysis is a proven process for controlling operating hazards and costs. The result of having a Job Safety Analysis process is better procedures that make the workplace safer. This means improved productivity and higher profits! This one-day course covers […]

Principles of Occupational Safety & Health

Course Description – This four (4) day course is a great introduction for anyone new to safety.  An experienced safety professional will gain important knowledge update about safety management and compliance.  This course covers 19 key topics that provide a solid understanding of fundamentals of workplace safety and health and OSHA compliance areas. Goals/Key Objectives […]

Safety Inspections

Course Description – This course provides an overview of the safety and health inspection process. It also examines specific techniques to improve the process and addresses basic skills for conducting various types of inspections and eliminating potential hazards. Participants will be provided with the knowledge necessary to meet regulatory requirements and positively impact their organization […]

Safety Management Techniques

Course Description – This four (4) day course takes a balance approach to safety management.  It offers supervisors the expertise necessary for creating crucial safety upgrades.  The balance and proven Safety Management Technique curriculum includes training in administrative and technical duties, cultural understanding, project management techniques and much more. Through discussions and in-class activities, this […]

Safety Training Methods

Course Description – Learn how to plan, organize, create and deliver performance-based safety training that truly engages employees and improves your organization’s safety practices.  This course provides a solid understanding of needs analysis, performance objectives, instructional strategy and methods, content, delivery evaluation and costs, so you can make educated decisions about the safety training needs […]

Team Safety

Course Description – Teamwork is a key ingredient for a successful safety program. This team safety course is designed to show how to make group safety efforts work for your organization. Having a more effective team, the more measurable improvements for the organization will be. In this one-day course, participants will learn top industry methods […]

Types of Trainings: