Safety, Health and Sustainability Matter to Florida's Businesses Now to Secure Florida’s Future. Here's Why:
Moving the needle on safety, health and sustainability to secure Florida’s future requires simultaneous interaction and careful coordination. Addressing mental health and wellness in the workplace cannot happen without preventing workplace injuries. Likewise, sustainable workplace planning that ensures cleaner air, cleaner land and cleaner water translates to healthier employees and families. Advancing wellness positively impacts workplace safety and overall business profitability.
All three pillars – safety, health and sustainability – must work together strategically to maximize Florida’s business success. First-in-the-nation programming standards for workplace safety, mental health and wellness, and sustainable production and performance bring our successful mission to life.
By committing to creating positive core cultures across the board, our direct relationship with the Florida Chamber means we can access have access to research and data that advance outcomes through policy changes. Our core safety culture in Florida means training organizations throughout the state to keep people certified, workplaces compliant, and individuals internalized as to why safety matters to themselves, their families and our workforce. Our culture of health focuses on addressing long-term systemic issues we cannot train our way out of while promoting preventative wellness. Our sustainability culture focuses on cleaner air, cleaner land and cleaner water for more vibrant communities.
We are grateful for the leaders who first believed in our vision and made it possible. These innovative Florida business leaders make us the go-to resource for best practices in workplace safety, health, and sustainability.