2024 Leadership Conference | Leadership Breakout Sessions
Are you ready to ignite your leadership potential and drive positive change in your organization?
Join us at the 2024 Leadership Conference on Safety, Health + Sustainability, where powerful leadership breakout sessions, led by Jesse Parrish, Program Manager and Joseph Cook, Instruction Manager & Senior Instructor of WinShape Teams, will equip you with the tools and strategies to lead with impact in today’s evolving business landscape.
Don’t wait! Space is limited, so reserve your spot for the Leadership Breakout Sessions today. Visit the conference website to view the full schedule and register.
Rusty Chadwick
Rusty’s passion for transformational experiences was ignited during his time as a guide and head wrangler at two premier guest ranches in Colorado after college. After four years out West, he transitioned to WinShape Teams, where he has spent nearly a decade creating second-mile guest experiences and creating programming for teams and leaders. Today, Rusty’s role as Director for WinShape Teams has him pointing the team back toward its purpose and unique essentials, and providing leadership and support to each department. It’s here that he gets to exercise the skills he loves most by facilitating journeys for others.
Joseph Cook
Joseph Cook is a teacher at heart who craves adventure, and he brings those passions into his role as a Manager of Instruction for WinShape Teams. His background in a classroom setting has cultivated a teaching style that uses practical, tangible and relational experiences to help bring about a revelation in others. Joseph also brings experience as a firefighter, which allows him to understand the importance of teaming well along with knowing how to transfer learned knowledge to real world environments.
See the Future
Great leaders are able to see and communicate a compelling vision for the future. One of the obstacles for leaders to see that compelling future, however, is getting overwhelmed and consumed with day-to-day tasks. Leaders must be willing to look up to ensure the current reality is propelling progress towards a preferred future. Participants will engage in a fun and interactive session walking away with three best practices to help make a preferred future their new reality.
Engage and Develop Others
Employee engagement has the potential to make or break teams and organizations, and the best leaders take ownership for engaging and developing their people. In this experiential session, participants will learn about the sources of engagement and how to target development in a way that increases engagement and energizes effort.
Value Results and Relationships
Should leaders prioritize accomplishing effective results or ensuring their people are fulfilled? The highest-performing leaders value and pursue both. It can be challenging to ensure performance and fulfillment when everyone starts with an initial bias in one direction or the other. In this experiential session, participants will be able to identify their initial bias and walk away with three best practices to help them value results and relationships.
Embody the Values
How do leaders know what decisions to make while leading in their organization? The fear of making wrong decisions paralyzes many leaders from moving forward. An organization’s core values are more than fancy words on a website; they are the guide for decision-making. The best leaders do not only communicate clear values to their people, but they embody those values consistently and model the way for others to follow. In this interactive session, participants will discover three best practices for establishing and embodying values that pave the way for high-performance.
Early Bird Registration Closes in Two Days! Secure Your Spot Today.