Public Trainings - Permit-Required Confined Spaces Designated Rescuer (OSHA 1910.146 & 1926 Subpart AA)

Course Description –

This 6-hour training course wil provide participants with the knowledge and skills to perform the essential duties as a Designated Rescue Team Member. Course includes videos, lectures, facilitated student discussion, demonstrations, skill testing, and written testing. Curriculum includes entrant and attendant responsibilities, Supervisor Responsibilities, Rescue Responsibilities, rules, and skill demonstrations that comply with all OSHA regulations.

The course includes videos, lectures, facilitated participants discussions, demonstrations, skill testing, and written testing. The curriculum includes entrant and attendant responsibilities, rules, and skill demonstrations that comply with the OSHA definitions of a confined space entrant and attendant.

Participants must have completed the 8-hour Permit Required Confined Space Entrant and Attendant class prior to attending this training.

Who Should Attend?

This course is for any employee who would be assigned by the employer as a Designated Rescuer within their confined space written program. This would include Attendants and Entry Supervisors.

CEU’s –

Participants will receive a course completion certificate and earn .6 Continuing Education Units from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DS/DW/WW02099016) upon successful completion of the course.

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